sharing science & ethics for health

Sharing Science & Ethics for Health

The Good Clinical Practice Alliance (GCPA) is a leading independent and non-aligned organisation for the development and implementation of Good Clinical Practice in the European Union and globally. It brings together patients, researchers, funders, regulatory authorities, ethics committees, and data specialists into a shared platform for the ethics and science of health-related research.

The GCPA develops a uniquely independent and open platform dedicated to multi-disciplinary and multi-sectorial support for the advancement of European and global health-related research by focusing on the highest standards in ethics, science, and education.


The Good Clinical Practice Alliance (GCPA) was established in Brussels in 2005 as a global cooperation group for the promotion and development of the highest standards for ethics and science in health-related research. Founded to address the need for an independent and non-aligned platform, GCPA allies more than 15 years of cooperation between institutions and individuals in the European Union with their international partners for the development of European and global health-related research leading to the improvement of patient care and public health.


The GCPA’s mission is to build discussion, networking, research, and information on health research with representative organisations and strategic groups within a framework that promotes the values and principles of Good Clinical Practice in a European and international framework based on respect for persons and communities.


The Good Clinical Practice Alliance (GCPA) promotes the development of health-related research in Europe and globally by fostering partnerships in ethics and science across disciplines and cultures.

The principal objective of the GCPA is to foster policy development in health-related research through evidence, dialogue, and the building of trust across sectors and stakeholders.

The GCPA aims:

  • to consider the conditions necessary to provide patients with innovative and reliable medicinal products and healthcare;
  • to promote cooperation in ethics and science; including in the area of rare and /or neglected diseases;
  • to promote the participation, involvement, and protection of patients and healthy volunteers in health-related research through ethics, quality assurance, and oversight procedures;
  • to provide a platform for the exchange of science and education, in Europe and in cooperation with partners around the world; and,
  • to promote in the European Union and internationally the achievement of a scientifically rigorous research environment and strong health research facilities and systems.
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